This essay, Bad advertising, is about the effect the media has on children in our society today. It specifically focuses on television watching.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Communication Studies
Extensive viewing of violent programs on television can lead to aggression in children. Children watch an average of three to four hours a televison a day. Television is a powerful influence in shaping behavior and developing value systems. It may lead to a gradual acceptance of violence, imitation of violence, and the identification of violence within themselves. The more a child views a violent television program the more they will become immune to violence and …

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…one of these three factors, but it is a progression of the three. Children can accept the violence, then imitate, and identify with it. One in itself doesn't present as serious as issue as the three combined. Televison programming does indeed have an adverse relationship with aggression among children. We most come to realize that this relationship is only going to progress and in some cases could even result in the loss of many lives.