This Cause and Effect Essay describes how a legal case influenced a person to become a Lawyer.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Law Issues
Ever since I can remember, I have always wanted to become a lawyer, but I was not sure about it, I still had a lot of questions and concerns on my mind. While still in my last year of High School I had an opportunity to see a very interesting and sad documentary program on TV about this young man named Pichote. This young man's sad and horrible story touched me so deeply and reaffirmed …

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…gree in Paralegal, since I would definitely be able to start my career in the criminal justice field in the United States at the same time I would also be able stabilize my financial situation and earn enough money to attend a Law School while working as a paralegal. By becoming an American criminal lawyer I would without any doubt be able to continue fighting the "technicalities" that destroy the life of many Americans Pichotes.