Think and stink

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Language & Speech
There are two competing instincts that exist within all human being. The instinct to live by rules, act peacefully, follow moral commands is called civility. The instinct to satisfy one's immediate desires, act violently to obtain dominant over others, and enforce one's will on the other is called atavism. The book Lord Of The Flies is a great example of the two competing instincts in humans. A group of British boys were deserted on an …

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…between atavism and civility. As the groups of British boys are kept isolated from society changes occur. All the boys in the book were symbols something which was unique. Ralph was the civil leader. Jack was the atavistic leader. Piggy was the rational thinker. Simon was the Christ figure. Roger was the evil assistant. As these boys are stranded on the island their personalities had shown. Although atavism won many battles, civility won the war.