Theseus Why is Theseus a Good hero and what steps did he use to achive that status?

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Essay Database > Literature > Mythology
The story of Theseus starts off a Theseus wanting to be a hero. Theseus wants to be as great as he cousin, Hercules, a man of great strenght and bravery. Theseus decides that he would set off on a journey and complete some great feats and tasks so that he may gain the rank and or title of being a hero. There are eight steps in most stories to becoming a hero and Theseus completes …

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…old age he shouldn't have been off doing such idiotic things. This occured before his second wife and son died, and before the Athenians exiled him. In conclusion, Theseus does infact become the hero he wanted to be and he completes all eight steps in becoming a hero. Although Theseus' is a much different hero than the Greeks expected, he was still a great hero whom was the foundation of the great city of Athens.