Theories of Mass Communication.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Communication Studies
Theories of Communication This papaer focused on the developmental stages of Communication and also summed up Communication as a complex and dynamic process leading to the evolution of meaning. The study of Communication and the mass media by experts over time has led to the formulation of many theories such as structural and functional theories, that believe that social structures are real and function in ways that can be observed objectively; cognitive and behavioral theories, …

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…the communication. Noise can be physical noise for example static or psychological i.e. when culture, taboos or values come into play to disrupt the normal transmission process of communication. Misunderstanding of a particular message i.e. distortion of meaning is a form of noise, example, the game of Chinese Whisper...a person starts off with a particular message and the original message may be distorted by the time it comes to the final player.