Theis is a persuassive essay on why teens deserve an allowance

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Education
Persuasive Essay From my point of view, I think all teenagers deserve an allowance. Allowances help teenagers manage money and will prepare kids for the future. Without money managing experiences, adults of the future will spend money foolishly. Others will have plenty of cash if they learn young. Another reason I think allowances are a good idea is so teenagers will have a certain limit to spending money. A weekly or monthly allowance of a …

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…may prevent bankruptcies in the future and help teens make important financial decisions, which may result either in success or failure. Those who have already resulted in failure have learned their lesson the hard way and are now paying the price. Allowances can contribute to a successful future. For those parents who don't give their children an allowance I suggest you take my word for it and start now before it's too late. Word Count: 429