The title of this essay is American Gothic. It is about the famous painting. It includes a little about the painter, Grant Wood, and then goes on to descibe the painting and it's meaning.

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Essay Database > History
American Gothic Grant Wood was a well-known painter and printmaker during the late 1930's into the early 1940's. He was most known for his images and paintings of the rural Midwest. Wood assisted with Thomas Hart Benton and John Steuart Curry, and founded and led the regionalism movement that was popular with American Art during the 1930's. Born in Anamosa, Iowa, Wood's works of art were basically of people and the landscape of Iowa. He …

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…and determined that all artists should paint from personal experience. I do not believe he was unique with his individual style. Most of his works were based on simple geometric shapes with sharp contours rendered in bright, but earthy colors. The scene itself was unique, but the colors, shapes, and motives did not stand out much. All in all, I think Wood's painting deserved the prizes it received, and the emotive messages were well shown.