The international issues of today are unlikely to be resolved by one bold stroke, but rather by patient long-term diplomacy.

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No matter when and where you are from, you'd probably belong to a group. This strong instinct to socialize is one of the leading factors for human dominance in this world. It is close to impossible for humans to live alone, we need to be part of a group to survive. But just being part of a group is not enough as between groups and between individuals of a group there is always this competition …

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…cherish. And they wanted us to spread this message of freedom with the tool of diplomacy. The American Foreign Service is one of the biggest ways in which America is promoting diplomacy. One day maybe everyone will experience a dream like the American dream and will feel like the whole world is a single group where we resolve most of our problems by patient long-term diplomacy. Bibilography:- The Power Of Myth by Joseph Campbell ########################