"The Glass Menagerie"by Tennessee Williams.

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People often spend a majority of their lives searching for acceptance. To be loved and admired by family and friends seems to be a priority. In this respect, the characters in Tennessee Williams's The Glass Menagerie are no different from the rest of us. Tom Wingfield desperately wants his mother's and sister's approval. He willingly subjects himself to harsh living conditions and an unfulfilling job simply so that he can know that his family appreciates …

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…of a bastard." Works Cited Hively, Lindsey. "Glowing Menagerie." News Staff Pg. 13 (January, 1 1997). May 15, 2003. www.nunews.neu.edu/nu- news/Issues/012297/012297y2.htm Padget, John B. Tennessee Williams. The Mississippi Writer's Page. May 14, 2003. http://www.olemiss.edu/depts/english/ms- writers/dir/williams_tennessee/ Tennessee Williams. E-Library. May 14, 2003. www.imagi- nation.com/moonstruck/clsc9.htm "Williams, Tennessee." Encarta Encyclopedia. CD. 2003 Williams, Tennessee. The Glass Menagerie. New York: New Directions, 1970. "Williams, Tennessee." World Book Encyclopedia. Chicago. 1993. .