The traditional nuclear family is a vital institution in producing and maintaining a healthy society in Britain.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
The traditional nuclear family is small and compact, consisting of a mother, father and two or three children. The female role within the family is with motherhood and housework. The husband provides for and protects and is a disciplining role model for the family. It includes a heterosexual relationship which is based on romantic love. The children of the family are the outcome of their parents love. The traditional view is important within society because …

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…the home. Different views of the family believe that it helps keep a health society and other perspectives oppose the idea. The new right and functionalists believe that the family is desirable whereas the feminists and liberals believe it is undesirable because it oppresses women and misrepresents the family on a whole. However functionalists and Feminists see the family as a powerful organisations within the family whereas the New Right and Liberals believe the opposite.