The tone of the book "Heart of Darkness" by Conrad.

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
Heart of Darkness Per 1st A.P. English Thesis: A tone of fascination dominates Conrad's 'Heart of Darkness'. This tone is established early within the text when Marlow first goes into the Congo. It continues to be staggering when Marlow goes from the outer station to the inner and then intensifies later in the description of how Marlow reacts to the women in the novella. Body Paragraph 1: 1. Marlow is an adventure seeker. When most men …

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…delicate beauty - physical and emotional - and that fascinates him greatly. Conclusion: 'Heart of Darkness' has many tones, none however as strong as that of fascination. It is through Marlows desires that we as the reader understand the book. Without the tone of wonderment, there would be nothing worth listening too. In the end the narrator's realization is that the world is a dark place, a dark fascinating place to be lightened through exploration.