The title of this essay is Babe ruth's Life. It is brief biography of many of his higlights. which includes hitting a record 60 homeruns in 1927.

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
George Herman Ruth, Jr. was born on February 6, 1895 in Baltimore, Maryland. He was the first of eight children born. George got the nickname "Babe" from his friends while playing baseball. Babe lived with his parents until he was seven years old. He managed to survive the dirty, crowded city of Baltimore. Babe's mom and dad did not show much love or affection for their son. His parents felt that Babe was causing too much trouble …

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…convinced him to join the team by making him believe that the following year he may become the team's manager. But that never happened. Babe Ruth announced his retirement on June 2, 1935 and was inducted to the Baseball Hall of Fame a year later. In 1946, Babe was diagnosed with throat cancer. The doctors gave him treatment but the cancer could not be healed. Two years after being diagnosed with throat cancer the Great Bambino passed away.