The title of the essay is: Hester Prynne and her Subconscience. This is an essay which describes how the id, ego, and superego are used in the book The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
The mind is by far one of the most intriguing and unknown parts of the human body, but it has been broken down into three distinguishable parts by Sigmund Freud. He has broken the mind into the id, ego, and superego. These are all parts of the human mind that control each and every action or thought that a person has. The id is the pleasure part, and it controls actions that occur without thought …

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…to one another. She started out in the id and eventually worked her way through to the superego and finally ended in the ego state. It was her lust for a man that put her in the id state, her denial of the truth that allowed her to be in the superego state and her openness and love that placed her under the ego. All three cases show how closely the mind's separate functions work.