The title is "Armed and Dangerous."

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Civil Rights
Armed and Dangerous, should mental patients have the right to own a gun? October 17, 2003 I am writing in response to your article, "Armed and Dangerous," which aired last October on 60 minutes. I hope that you will find a different point of view after reading my letter. There is a law that exists today in which mentally ill people are prevented from purchasing guns. This law, The Brady Bill, was first put into action when President …

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…million mental patients from obtaining a gun and using it in an unlawful manner, the government should correct the loophole in the Brady bill. And to all those opposed to another gun regulation, think of someone you love being shot and killed and then think of how you would feel if that person was a former mental patient. I know that my views would change if the issue hit close to home. Sincerely, Naomi Batten