The start of Chinese capitalism and its early demise.

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Essay Database > History > Asian History
Many people would agree that the Song dynasty was probably the weakest dynasty in Chinese history. The Song dynasty was the first to let the entire Chinese territory to be taken over by barbarian tribes, in this case, Mongols. "The weak Song" was the term that most people use to refer to this period of time in Chinese history. (Roberts, 241) For the majority of time, Song dynasty only had control over half of China. This …

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…The Song dynasty failed military wise, but the Song is still admirable for their brave effort to preserve Chinese civilization against the invincible Mongolians and their care for the common people. Bibliography: Mote, Frederic W. Imperial China: 900 - 1800 Harvard University Press 1999.Cambridge, Mass. Roberts, Jag. A Concise history of China Harvard University Press 1999.Cambridge, Mass. Hymes, Robert P. Ordering the World: approaches to state and society in Sung Dynasty China. University of California Press 1993. Berkeley.