The responsibilities of haveing children. This covers (although in not much detail) almost all the aspects one should look at before having children and while pregnant.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Becoming a parent is a very serious matter, and if you cannot live with any child who is less than perfect, well, then, maybe you want to give some thought to the commitment one makes in choosing to become a parent. If you can't accept a baby born with developmental problems, what will you do if your child develops problems later in life? What will you do if your child is autistic or develops juvenile …

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…been born with a birth defect or disability or you suspect that your child may have an undiagnosed problem, you want to find the very best medical care. Often you are not sure who to ask or where to go for advice. Many other families have already traveled the road you are about to embark on and they have shared some of their strategies that may help you succeed in accessing the health care network.