The reasons behind the war with Iraq.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Military
"Necessities Of War" Do we as a nation, representing freedom, enjoy burying our citizens? Do we as individuals, representing family members, enjoy burying our loved ones? Then why do we as a nation and as individuals continue to tolerate rogue countries and politicians waging war against our innocent citizens and family members? I state to you today that Saddom Hussein is one of those rogue politicians that desperately needs to be eliminated, if for no …

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…I would like to remind you that Saddam Hussein has repeatedly violated Resolution 1441 by refusing inspections and continuing to produce chemical and biological weapons, and by using those weapons against his own citizens. That he is guilty of crimes against humanity by his torturing of U.S. citizens as well as Iraqi citizens. Saddam Hussein is nothing more than a rogue political dictator that is basically another Adolph Hitler who desperately needs to be eliminated.