The problem of online casino

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Essay Database > Literature > English
In our society today, computer technology plays an important role in many forms of entertainment, especially in the field of online casino. As technology advances, net gambling is becoming more and more popular. While its popularity is skyrocketing, ambiguity surrounds its legality. Although most states allow some form of gambling activities, many states seek to prohibit online gambling because of the potential for fraud over the Internet, children's access to gambling sites, an increase in …

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…laws to prohibit online gambling. Although some states have taken decisive action to prohibit or regulate online gambling, state regulation is largely ineffective because the Internet transcends state and national boundaries. Until recently, the federal government has played a minimal role in regulating gambling, leaving the states to adopt their own laws and regulations. However, because Internet gambling transcends state boundaries and is difficult for states to regulate, the online gambling laws are still unclear.