The perfect flatmate - descriptive essay

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Outdoors
When I was 21, I came to live in London. I shared a damp basement flat with a beautiful ex-art student from Cambridge. Her name was Anna. She had long brown hair and a slim figure that I was madly jealous of. She ate three chocolate bars for breakfast every morning. I used to lie in bed looking at her eating and getting dressed, wondering how she could possibly consume so much sugar without losing her …

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…so beautiful. Going back to sleep to shut everything out, and using my bed as a favourite means of retreat, became an addiction - my worst habit. Of course, I overslept and was late for work every single day of the week. Eventually I was told if things didn't improve I might be given the sack. So I gave up my job and got married instead. I blame it all on Anna and her beauty.