The origins of homophobia and the power the NSW Government is able to exert over sexuality.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture
What control is the state able to exert over sexuality, and how is this done? Discuss with reference to homosexual identity for young people. Discrimination remains a reality for members of the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) communities in NSW. Homophobic prejudices that fuel this discrimination are often unfounded but draw strength from the discriminatory law itself. This essay is going to analyze how the state exerts control over GLBT people and what this …

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…History of Homosexuality, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1996 (306.766 Mond) Bamforth, N., Sexuality, Morals and Justice, Cassell, London, 1997 (346.36 Bamf) McColgan, A., Discrimination Law, Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2000 (346.36 Mcco) Moerings, M., 'The Netherlands: Front Runners in Anti-Discrimination Laws', Legal Queeries, Cassell, London, 1998 (346.3623 Mora) Beresford, S., 'The Lesbian Mother: Questions of Gender and Sexual Identity', Legal Queeries, Cassell, London, 1998 (346.3623 Mora) Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby (GLRL), 2003, online:, available: 20/05/2003 N.A., 2003, online:, available: 20/05/2003