The origin of the Crusades.

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Essay Database > History > Middle East History
The Noble Crusaders Who were the Crusaders? This is a question that is brought up frequently because the Crusades are a very interesting and important topic. The Crusaders were a band of men fighting for their religion and their freedom. When you became a crusader, it meant taking up your cross (Lyon 926). These men fought many bloody battles and trampled many lands. The real reason that they were fighting was to recapture the Holy Land, …

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…time many amazing things were also done. Why are the Crusades such an important topic? The crusades did many things, which helped prepare us for things that are still to come, but many people died in those days. Essentially, no one should ever forget the warriors that died fighting for their Religion and belief. The Crusades were one of the most noteworthy things that happened in the Medieval Times and they should be admired enormously.