The nuclear bomb in Korean Penninsula issue is analysed from game theory and cost-analysis theory, including some backgrounds about the issue.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
One of the most zealous issue charting current Asia's security landscape is 'the North Korea issue'. This isolated country came into the spotlight recently by President George W. Bush of the United States labelling it as one of the 'axis of evil' and by its admitting of working on nuclear-weapons programme. After it expelled the United Nations inspectors who had been monitoring a nuclear reactor at Yongbyon, the world became worried as it watched North …

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…to the NPT treaty. Once that task is accomplished, other steps could be taken. For instance, using the Russian model in rebuilding the non-nuclear reactor plants by the help of the US and its neighbors. There are many issues in our Asia today awaiting to be taken care of in order to bring greater peace and stability to the region. Keeping the Korean penninsula free of nuclear weapons is one major step towards that goal.