The monopoly of Microsoft.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Computers and Cybernetics
Considering the fact that Microsoft has a monopoly over the entire IT industry, one ponders how it got to this stage. In the bustling industry of IT, it is undoubtedly clear that a company like Microsoft wouldn't have reached where it is today without trading more than its fair share of blows. Since the opening of a string of court cases against the IT giant, Microsoft's misdemeanours have been revealed. But when it comes to …

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…of Microsoft and as a consequence innovations have been stifled and the standard has been raised to a level none can match. If we are to listen to people like Mr Stevens, the whole IT industry would be jeopardised by Microsoft. Even though Microsoft has helped the IT industry, mainly for monetary gain, a company like it should always be under the eyes of the competition watch dog so it can't crush other bright ideas.