The media directly contributes to making more violent than another?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Communication Studies
In reality, for many individuals presently characterized by a background of violent behavior, it is probable that they have encountered or witnessed violence on a daily basis through the media, such as television, radio, movies, and print sources. This activates a predisposition towards violence, encouraging people to act hostile towards others. For instance, in many peoples' living rooms sits a source of violence that often goes unchecked, the television. Children who view it are often …

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…the apparently aggressive behaviors children see on TV are not real; most of them are camera tricks, special effects, and stunts. Most people resolve conflicts by nonviolent means. People themselves should authentically be concerned about children's actually watching a violent show, and parents' should especially spend time with their children discussing in depth what is being shown. The more communication people engage in, the more they can counteract the negative messages sent from the media.