The main social, cultural and economic consequences are of the past, present and future globalisation.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
SCHOOL OF HUMANITIES ACCESS TO SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITES WORLD STUDIES - GLOBALISATION DISCUSS WHAT THE MAIN SOCIAL, CULTURAL AND ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCES OF PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE GLOBALISATION ARE. INTRODUCTION: Global interdependence is and will continue to control the twenty first century. What occurs on the other side of the sphere (world) is already being experienced in the United Kingdom and vice-versa. "The Global village. The New World Order, The peace dividend; these are all …

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…acceptance of the benefits of markets and liberal democracy. The liberal proponents of globalisation similarly believe that there are progressive consequences on economic, political and social behaviour. Such positive concepts have aroused debate by those emphasizing the correlation between globalisation and the perpetuation of inequalities. It would be incorrect to simply accept the proclamation of "progressive globalisation" at face value. We should not forget that globalisation is a politicised process creating both winners and losers.