The life of Malcolm X.

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Essay Database > History > World History
Malcolm X Malcolm X was previously known as Malcolm Little, a typical young boy who wanted to fulfill his dreams to succeed in life and become a lawyer. However, racism impeded him from becoming whom he yearned to be. As Malcolm enthusiastically informed his teacher he aspired to become a thriving lawyer, the teacher crushed his dreams by exclaiming, "Malcolm, one of life's first needs is for us to be realistic... But you've got to …

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…they were not given equal rights and an anti-Imperialist. Throughout his life he overcame obstacles that helped strengthen his character and develop his courageous, fervent and passionate personality. Without this strength of character he would not have aroused the support and antagonism his name still carries today. He had thousands of followers before he was sadly assassinated. Along with Martin Luther King, he was one of the most influential people in the civil rights movement. .