The life and accomplishments of Tycho Brahe.

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Tycho Brahe was born on December 14th, 1546 into a noble Danish family in Skane, Denmark. Before he was born his father, Otte Brahe made a deal with Tycho's uncle, Joergen Brahe that if Otte's first child was a boy, he would let Joergen adopt and raise him. It did turn out to be a boy, but the father changed his mind and no longer wanted to give the boy over to the uncle. So when …

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…his accurate observations and Kepler's elliptical astronomy, these tables were more accurate than any others before. In October while at a nobleman's supper, Tycho, being polite, did not want to relieve himself until he got home afterwards. But he wasn't able to even then for about 10 days. On October 24th he died of bladder complications or so they said. Later, a hair analysis showed that he is very likely to have died from mercury poisoning.