The insanity of Hamlet can be portrayed as an act of will to revenge his father's death. William Shakespeare captures this through Madness vs. Melancholia.

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Sane, or Insane? That is the Question Madness vs. Melancholia One of the most controversial questions surrounding William Shakespeare's tragedy, Hamlet, is whether or not the character was in fact haunted by madness or just acting it. His continuous use of melancholia leaves us as the audience, to ponder upon the true madness of Hamlet. "Hamlet" is a story about fratricide, madness, melancholia and a constant change of attitudes and emotions. His madness and melancholia …

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…his sanity as his big plan was a success. It is within the evaluation and justification of these two interpretations that the true dramatic meaning is witnessed. Zeffirelli has shown a stronger version as his conflicted struggle is constant throughout the scene and produces strong understanding of the play. Shakespeare's character Hamlet, is extraordinarily well defined in the text and extremely varied and complex. This is what makes Hamlet such a canonical text. Josh McConville