The industry of southeast asia.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
The Industrial Overview of Southeast Asia The competitive challenges now confronting Southeast Asia have changed the basis on which new projects are being evaluated, regardless on their location. You would never think there had been an economic crisis if you examined the number of petrochemical projects that have been completed since 1997. For other Southeast Asian countries, the economic crisis has held back the further development of their petrochemical sectors. For example, Malaysia, which is in …

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…countries in Southeast Asia will be much more satisfied and also closer to a developed country. This would spark more trade and bring in more money for the country. I believe all the information I have gathered is reliable because an expert in the field was interviewed and notes were taken. Richardson, John. "Gloom Gathers." 28 May 2001. 1 May 2002. < Tml?term=southeast=asia>