The increasingly dominant role of women in film and television: a social or economic reform?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Communication Studies
In recent years, women appear to have been given roles that are far more domineering in comparison to those in the past. Some say this is due to changing attitudes with the modern woman's realisation that masculinity is just a socially constructed performance- the archetypal male is now often criticised rather than celebrated. While society's stance on the function of women in the media has been altered, it would be foolish to believe or suggest …

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…continue- it's more likely that it is simply a trend. After a period of time, the current winning (and high grossing) formula will fail, become less popular with film and television executives therefore meaning these films won't be produced. New trends will emerge while old ones will be revived. Whether Tomb Raider was simply a chance for men to ogle a woman's breasts concealed by a layer of faux-feminist ideas is yet to be seen.