The importance of school pride and its influence on students.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Education
School Pride What is school pride? Taking pride in one's school is important, but what exactly is it? Although it is found in some way on every campus, school pride has not yet been properly defined. Whatever it may be, students demonstrate pride in their school in various ways. Even though the origins of spirit are unknown, students continue to feel the need to show pride towards their school. Illustrations of pride can be seen …

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…their school. Pride in one's athletic abilities goes hand-in-hand with pride in one's academic achievements and surroundings. To conclude, school life runs a great deal smoother when the people at the head are pleased. When the administration of a school sees the students taking delight in their schools achievements, the administration is left with no less than a sense of pride in itself. In brevity, pride is contagious and without pride school would be monotonous.