The history of Microsoft and Bill Gates

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Computers and Cybernetics
Microsoft is one of the biggest companies in the world. It distributes products worldwide and is the number one software company in the world. Microsoft would never have existed if it weren't for Bill Gates. Bill Gates was born on october28, 1955. He was born into a family that was successful in business and was living a pretty comfortable life in Seattle. In primary school Gates quickly shot to the head of most classes especially math's …

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…ever operating system called 'Windows XP'. Microsoft was becoming so big that Gates decides to gat into the gamming industry and released Microsoft Xbox, which is by far the best game console with a massive, 8-gigabyte hard drive. Though the years of Gates life there has been much success. Gates has made computers easier for people to understand. He developed so many programs that he helped computers grow through the ages. By Carlo Di Mauro