The history, and the motives for and against interracial relationships, as well as the issues of rearing biracial children.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture
Mrs. Andersen Honors English 20 December 2002 Throughout history, the structure of romantic relationships has seen a drastic evolution. What was once bizarre and forbidden, is now common. This can be seen by just looking at the relationships of some well-known celebrities, such as: Diana Ross, Sydney Portier, and even Jennifer Lopez. What do all of these people have in common? They are all married to a person of another race. This research paper will explore the …

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…interracial marriage or their being biracial" (Henricksen, 1999). Interracial marriages are no longer a thing of the past. In the last thirty years interracial marriages have overcome extreme scrutiny. Although these relationships are becoming more readily accepted, these couples, and their children, continue to face various challenges. People in general, however, are starting to realize that their peers should not be judged by their race, because all mankind is of but one race, the human race.