The heat of combustion for one mole of alcohol.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Chemistry
Chemistry coursework My aim is to find the molar heat of combustion of ethanol, propanol and butanol .I will also be comparing the experimental molar heat of combustion with the theoretical, using bound enthalpy's. Background information I have found some information that will help me with my experiment. This text is all from The complete combustion of propane can be represented by the following equation: or we could redraw it to represent …

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…could have greatly improved my experiment by completing the final test for ethanol. As all my results differ in value widely I think it would be a good idea to repeat all of the tests. I think that test three of propanol is an anomalous result as it was a lot lower than the other results. I now need to find the theoretical heats of combustion so that I can compare and analyse my results.