The good and bad aspects of getting divorced or staying together "for the children".

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"What is Truly Best?" Our generation sees divorce as the first resort, not the last. At one point in time, a married couple having problems in their marriage would choose to stay together for no other reason than because it might "hurt the children." Today, children are insignificant and are often dealt with like any other asset in a divorce. You might expect to hear one parent say to the other, "All right, you get …

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…Thematic Reader. Ed. Judie Rae and Catherine Fraga. Toronto: Heinle & Heinle, 2002. 329-334. Kirn, Walter; McDowell, Jeanne; Padgett, Timothy; Sachs, Andrea; Thigpen, David E. "Should You Stay Together for the Kids?" Times 25 September 2000: 74-81. Peterson, Karen S. "The Good in a Bad Marriage." USA Today 20 June 2001: 36-37. Spohn, William C. "The American Myth of Divorce." Issues in Ethics 9.2 (1998) Weiner-Davis, Michele. "Divorce Busting." Online. Internet Explorer. 3 December 2002. Available: