The goal of this paper is to discuss the origin and role of the International Monetary Fund.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Global Economy
The goal of this paper is to discuss the origin and role of the International Monetary Fund. The International Monetary Fund is a specialized agency of the United Nations system that was set up by a treaty in 1945 in order to help improve the world economy. The IMF's headquarters is located in Washington, D.C.; 184 worldwide country representatives govern it. The IMF works for global wealth by promoting the balanced expansion of world trade, stability …

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…survive. Today Argentina, along with many other countries, would be completely poverty-stricken if the IMF did not step in. the IMF, which is now comprised of 184 countries, has loaned 300 billion dollars to countries in need. A total of 56 countries have outstanding loans of 107 billion dollars to the IMF. This shows that countries have been able to pay off their loans and that the program is effective. Without their support certain countries economies would have collapsed.