The game evaluation of The Sims Online.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Education
The Sims Online In order to play The Sims Online your system must meet the requirements. The minimum configuration is Windows XP (administration accounts only), Windows ME, or Windows 98. All the other operating systems are not supported. You must have a 500MHz Intel Pentium or AMD Athlon processor, 128 MB RAM, 4x CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drive, 1.4 GB free hard disk space, 2MB video card with DirectX 7 compatible driver, DirectX 7 compatible sound card, keyboard, mouse, 28.8 Kbps or faster …

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…others. You need to get as many visitors as you can and depending on how long they stay and they use the items that you have bought and placed on the property, you receive money the next morning. The game is rated T for teens so if you have younger kids, don't get them this game. You would be surprised about some of the things you can get your sim to do in this game.