The essay on "The journey" by Peter Kreeft. Cover 1-3 chapters, analyzing two major themes.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
The Journey Life is a journey with many crossroads and everyone requires a choice. What we have today is the result of the choice we made in the past. For ages people were standing by milestone of life making their decision which way to go. As wise and curious creatures we always were searching the truth and the meaning of life. In the search of the truth and solving the most important questions we stop …

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…helps to find answers and solutions on many questions that appear before next fork in the road. Life sometimes is so rough that it is rather difficult to find any solution to whose, who making only the first steps towards it. The good philosophy would be very helpful protecting young people from rash decisions. Having such guide as Peter Kreeft's book would be the best way to get to know nowadays world and its snares.