The essay is a research paper that arguments a law in Florida that prohibits homosexual men and women from adopting children.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Civil Rights
The ability to build a family with the person one loves is a blessing. The possibility of this actually happening for some individuals is merely a dream. There are many loving children who dream of the same; to one day have a family of their own. The amount of children waiting for adoption in Florida increases by the day, yet so does the number of qualified parents that have been rejected due to their sexual …

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…Homosexuals have historically been subjected to prejudice, negative stereotyping and unfair discrimination. Through legislation, as well as education, people can learn to be more open-minded and tolerant. Florida officials should accept the differences between people and the diversity of our nation. This is what makes our nation great. We have achieved genuine acceptance to race, religions, and political view; the next step is genuine acceptance of the loving family that two gay parents can create.