The developement of the silk road during the Han Dynasty.

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Essay Database > History > Middle East History
Introduction The Silk Road was a huge complex trading network made up of many small sub networks. It was used to transport goods between China, India, Near East and Europe. By examining the different civilizations/political powers that were involved and the commodities that were traded, it is possible to see what stimulated the development of the Silk Road. It is important to look at the civilizations involved because a strong economy is required for …

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…religious pilgrims. Third, once there is a market, the merchant must have some means of transporting the goods to the market. So with better technology such as stronger, bigger ships, transportation becomes a lot easier. While traveling there are often others who wants to steal your goods, this is solved by having a supportive government with strong military power. When all these conditions have been met, trade is able to grow and flourish very easily.