The criminal, a choice or a curse?

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Essay Database > Law & Government
Some people could say criminals are made by their own choices, not by the environment or their hereditary. I disagree completely with this statement! If you look at most of the criminal population in custody they're more poor, low class, uneducated criminals then there are wealthy, middle or upper class, educated. With everything in life there are exceptions, but the majority come from poor, dysfunctional broken homes lives. Most criminals can't even say that they …

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…abuser while she was growing up and half the time she just didn't have a positive role model to go by. All she knows is the irresponsible dysfunctional environment that she grew up in. Her behavior also falls in the hereditary area because she obviously has that addictive gene her mom has. A Criminals behavior 100% definitely stems from the environment they were raised in and the genes or hereditary traits their parents handed them down.