The controversial issue of death penalty

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Supreme Court
THE DEATH PENALTY "THE DEATH SENTENCE IS THE MOST CONTROVERSIAL ISSUE ACROSS OUR WORLD" the death penalty is a very common controversial social issue across our world. every time a death penalty case arises, and time comes for the convict, thousands of people across the countries support the punishment as well as protest the punishment. "this issue does not have any proponents of particular group. people are very split on this subject, regardless of race, …

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…that it does deter violent crimes. they will give emotional speeches about the one innocent man or woman might accidentally get an execution sentence . however, all of these people are forgetting on important and crucial element. they are forgetting thousands of victims who die every year by the hands of cold blood murderers. there are more murderers out there than people who are wrongly convicted, and that is what we must and they must remember.