The contribution of business made to the economic & social well being of Australia.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > International
Nowadays, "business" has become the most popular and well-know word in the modern society. If you type this word in the search column of Yahoo Australia, there are approximately 402,000,000 results available. Indeed, as an important element of our society, businesses have made much contribution of the economic and social well being of Australia in different aspects including: wealth creation; employment; innovation; quality of life; choice and entrepreneurship. Wealth creation. The major goal of most businesses …

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…overall well-being of the society by operating their businesses. Therefore, they are a vital part of our society. In conclusion, businesses play various roles in the society. They are wealth generators, employment creators and choice providers. At the same time, businesses have improved our quality of life as well as giving opportunities for entrepreneurs to fulfil their dreams satisfy their desire. Therefore, businesses are very important to the overall well-being of Australian economy and society.