The characteristics of Buddhism and how they contribute to the creation of a dynamic, living religious tradition.

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Essay Database > History > Ancient History
Buddhism is the religion followed by approximately 300 million people worldwide. To many, Buddhism is very much intense and goes beyond 'religion', more of a 'philosophical system' or 'way of life'. Making up, or setting the foundations of this 'philosophical system' are characteristics such as Buddhist beliefs and ethics. These features then have a strong hold on the lives of Buddhist followers and allow religious theory to become a living practice. To begin with, Buddhist beliefs …

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…consists of many characteristics, including beliefs and ethics, as previously mentioned. These have much depth and profundity resulting in the Buddhist religion having almost 300 million followers around the world. Every one of the 300 million people who are Buddhist are somehow affected or influenced by the religion they adhere to. The numerous Buddhist believers who apply Buddhist beliefs and ethics to their daily lives contribute to the making and growth of this dynamic, living religious tradition.