The cause/affect of Abortions.

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health & Beauty
In the past decades, a serious issue has come into a worldwide viewpoint. This issue, abortion, has become a massive concern and needs to be paid close attention to! Abortion should be outlawed in the U.S. forever. There needs to be a law to stop all abortions. Due to overwhelming evidence, having an abortion should be made illegal in the U.S. because there are three important ways that abortion hurts people worldwide. First, …

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…are around someone who wants to have an abortion don't want to get hurt emotionally or physically then they need to thoroughly talk to that person about reconsidering. This issue needs to be made a law or illegal in order to bring down the amount of women choosing to have an abortion. This is up to the government and us to go against abortions in the U.S. and stop the killings of innocent babies.