The bio-psychological approaches to understanding mental events and behaviour result in more conclusive findings than using a social approach and/or examining environmental factors. Discuss.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
The understanding of mental events and behaviour can be enhanced using the concept of bio-psychology. Peterson defined psychology in1996 as the scientific study of behaviour and mental process. Biology psychology is therefore, an extension of psychology, scientifically studying the biology of behaviour (Pinel 1997). It examines the physiological, evolutionary and developmental mechanisms of behaviour and experience and pays particular reference to the functions of the brain. The area of the bio-psychology is a vast one, consisting …

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…approach, ideas are often very abstract and merely symbolic. Social factors are also not as reliable, as they can suffer from possible variance in environment and are affected by the individual differences in each person. Therefore, the strengths of a bio-psychological approach to understanding the mental events and behaviour far outweigh the weaknesses. It will continue to be a powerful channel for research, with theorists repeatedly extending the boundaries of knowledge for years to come.