The best and worst theories that discribe why crimes happen (eg biological, psychological and sociological.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Law Issues
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the three major theories of criminology. This paper will talk about the theories that best and worst describe why crime happens. The three major theories of crime are: biological, psychological and sociological. In further examining this paper you will see discussions of personal opinions of the author. The biological theory states that criminals are born and they are not made. I feel that the biological theory would …

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…feel that the psychological and sociological theories best describe why crime happens because they are the direct key factors in crime. Key roles in crime stem from a person's home environment, along with their mental state and their ability to decipher right from wrong which, would be describes in the psychological and sociological theories. The biological factors could play a role in why crime happens but I feel that this is not always the case.