The best and worst American Presidents

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Essay Database > Law & Government
America has had its fare share of good and bad presidents throughout history. I chose Woodrow Wilson as the Best President of the American Government. He was Americas 28th President (Democratic) and served from 1913 - 1921, which was during World War 1. Woodrow Wilson was born in Staunton, Virginia on 28th December 1856. Before his Presidency Wilson was New Jersey's Governor for three years. At the University of Viginia Wilson studied law, after which he went to Princeton …

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…be remembered for his great accomplishments and his desire to succeed. Bill Clinton on the other hand will be remember for his lies, endless scandals and his self preservation. Clintons wrong doings were largely overshadowed by a healthy economy and strong stock market among other things. It is only now after his presidency that people can see what he had accomplished, not much, Clinton was truly one of the worst Presidents that America has seen.