The benifits of cloning.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
A controversial issue of the twenty-first century is the possible application of new techniques in genetic engineering to produce human clones. Up until now genetic engineering and cloning has been used to clone plants, unicellular organisms, amphibians and simple mammals. This has led to significant advances in agriculture, industry, and medicine. Newer techniques in genetic engineering have enabled scientists to clone more complex mammals and opened up the possibility of cloning humans. Although there are …

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…human being is achievable. We can be sure that many of the processes leading up to the ultimate cloning of a human being will be used to benefit the people of the twenty first century. This will include the use of nuclear transfer and cloning for gene therapy and reproductive medicine. However, ethical and religious dilemmas as well as practical difficulties will not allow the cloning of a human to proceed for the foreseeable future.