The advantages and disadvantages of traveling; by plane, train, and car.

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Tourism
Traveling When traveling over land there are three main ways of doing so, a flight, a train ride, or driving yourself. I guess you could walk or run but, I'm talking about cross country travel. There are expensive and inexpensive ways of travel, some fast, some slow, most fun, others boring. Out of these three ways you must decide how you want to go baste on your budget, time, and the quality of travel you …

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…dollars for gas alone. In all, I would have to say I would rather spend a little extra and travel by plane. I like the fact it's going to get me to my destination faster than other ways of traveling. It will also be relaxing in the upper two classes of seating. I think my main purpose for choosing a flight is time. I'm always in a rush, I don't know why, I just am.